Something happens when you get ready to leave home for a while. People, places and things feel more important to you, even though your journey takes you to a new place, a new realm, a new way and you are not sure that you want to leave the comfort of what you know.
As I get ready to leave on this journey of mine, I am loving all the outreach of people. A friend from St. Croix called me that has been trying to talk to me for many months last night and yes, I answered the phone happily to hear his voice. Thanking him for continuing to call even though I didn’t always respond…..that is a friend and someone to keep close. Several of those have shown up and I hold them as precious people in my life.
Tonight my “other” mom wanted to go out for dinner. Perfect because that was what Pedro & I did the night before almost every trip we took. A great way to start.
And trust me as you are loading, you make sure your car is full…..mostly of spinning, weaving and other fiberarts, books! and jackets for different seasons.
Before the car was packed, this morning, I decided to “trim” the cactus in my front yard. Just to make it more comfortable for the lawn people while I am away. So, I filled up the back of the car (forgot to take a photo) and took it to the “service center” aka dump before the torrential rain started.
and now let the journey begin!!! We’re off like a herd of turtles!!
Gemma says
Good luck on your beautiful journey ahead my friend.
Lots of memories are will have. On your solo journey as you meet and reconnect with new and old friends. Along with family.
Stay safe. And I look forward to your progress along the way.
🤗😘🌎❤️❤️ Love you
Drove past the exit to West Monroe today…I waved and enjoyed the memories that popped up. 💜
Great!! Yes great memories of your visit with us,when you and Pedro came for a visit.❤️❤️
Don’t forgetting smell those roses. Take your time for your reflection fr Mona. Take those pics for you toreflect back to.
Love you , and drive safe. Enjoy your journey my dear friend.💜💜🩷🍁🦫
I am so excited for you on this great adventure! Reminds me of a time that I headed out to parts unknown, a journey that me understand who “Carol” really was. Can’t wait to hear & see pics of your fantastic journey. Enjoy & be safe.
I get it Carol!
Love this!! And you!
Loves and like you!💜 See you some day soon!
Thanks for taking me with you!! So excited for you!! Remember to take time to stop and smell the roses!!
🌹 Love you my dear friend!
What I really need to do is remember to take pictures 😆
Love you right back 💜